China eMarketing experts

Press Release

News and industry media

Want to publish company breaking news? We are well connected with high authority news & industry media in China. Including the most popular Chinese media: sina, sohu, 163 and tencent, you could choose from 50000+ websites that covers all industries: fashion & luxury, shopping, real estate & finance, technology, games, cars, health, education, hotel & tourism… 60% of them are news resource of search engine. Together with our 1st page marketing service, get maximum the performance of one press.

All press are permanent. But the access on home page normally would be no more than 24 hours. And the titble should be less than 30 Chinese charactors.

You can select a single website to publish, and promote it with an access on website’s homepage. Or choose our industry package, see all high authority media reporting about your company/ products.

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text link access on sina-fashion
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