Baidu Baike – Chinese version wikipedia

wiki has high authority, search engine usually rank it on 1st place. Baidu baike belongs to baidu. Of course, it will appear on the 1st place of organic search result.

  • It is high trusted. It makes you convert visitors to business.
  • It ranks high on search engine. It bring in indirect traffic through its refer links.
  • It’s number of readers provide user a metric about how popular your company/brand is.

No matter you are top 500 international company or star-up, or celebrities, It is sometime important than your official website.

However, baidu baike continue upgrading its editorial policy. It might take a year of you to get a search term approved. We are continue learning its editorial policy. The pass percentage of the content that created by our baidu account is high, we are high qualified baidu baike editor.

The price for different content is vary. For example, we don’t accept finance relevant content at this moment. So please send us the content when you ask a quick quote. As it’s important to make the content accurate, it is better to provide us the English version of content, we translate it according to baidu baike’s editorial policy.

Sometimes, the brand or search term had been created by someone else. If you want to block that brand and search term. You can try its business version baike.

  • A baidu PPC account is required.
  • 3 corporate keywords: $1600 per year (e.g.: UL认证, UL美华认证, 美华认证)

Then you will be the only one who can edit the content for your brand on baike.

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